Welcome to aaron chua make money blog

Hi, welcome to my blog. In this part of my world, I talked about how to achieve financial freedom by learning how to make money online through creating sites and earning from them.

Below are some current and past make money projects that details my learning journey.

My current experiment in making 50 amazon site niches. If you have not been following this challenge, best place to start is this resource page for the amazon challenge, that lists all the articles that I have written so far.

My experiment in making 1000 a month through adsense in 9 months.

If you came here looking for low cost startup ideas, here are 140 startup ideas that you can browse through.

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Startup Idea #43: Dynamic widget + social advertising

Current widgets are rather static. MyBlogLog is an exception but it has limited functionality beyond showing recent visitors to a site. Can we combine the dynamic quality of MyBlogLog with the content focus of widgets like Last.fm, Visual Bookshelf et al? Imagine a visual bookshelf that dynamic changes the type of books displayed, depending on the readers' reading habits.

Such a system is almost like another form of the Facebook beacon, but one that is not confined within a closed system. For this to work, we need to maybe co-relate the identity systems of different applications. Once we do that, there are many fun things we can do.

One such widget I would want is sort of like a media widget that sits in your blog. There will be different tabs like music, books, events, games, video et al. Depending on the tab that is chosen, the look of the widget will change such as bookshelf for books, a radio for music et al. The content in these widgets will be determine by the visitors' consumption. So, if your recent visitors are fans of rock music, your widget will display rock music.

The system I described is also a form of social advertising where the interaction itself is the advertisement. If the blog readers or owner see something they like on this blog widget and click through to purchase the items, the blog owner gets a cut of the affiliate fees.

This sounds workable.