Welcome to aaron chua make money blog

Hi, welcome to my blog. In this part of my world, I talked about how to achieve financial freedom by learning how to make money online through creating sites and earning from them.

Below are some current and past make money projects that details my learning journey.

My current experiment in making 50 amazon site niches. If you have not been following this challenge, best place to start is this resource page for the amazon challenge, that lists all the articles that I have written so far.

My experiment in making 1000 a month through adsense in 9 months.

If you came here looking for low cost startup ideas, here are 140 startup ideas that you can browse through.

Friday 5 October 2012

Amazon Challenge #9: Make 200 dollars with Amazon affiliate

Welcome to the blog with ever declining traffic LOL. Yes, the traffic on aaronchua.com has been going down for some time now. In fact, as I look closely at the traffic from April to current, it might seem that the site has been penalised! Really nice Google. The only site where I have real info is being penalised while my amazon niche sites are going up with traffic!

Anyway, let's get to the real meat of the article. My amazon sites pulled in a nice income for Sept 2012. Nothing really to brag about but a nice side income nevertheless.

Below are the screnshots from my amazon and skimlinks accounts:

Amazon income: USD141.96

Skimlinks income: USD93.48

Compared to the last update where I reported less than USD100 in Amazon earnings, this month's results are quite encouraging.

Why the increase in income

Increase in traffic: After restarting the amazon niche, a couple of sites started to pick up traffic. My mini cupcake site for example is starting to see 15 visitors per day and has earned USD10 this month. Not bad for a niche that I thought is dead.

One site taking off: One of the weird niche in my portfolio of sites made some nice sales. Actually the site only made 2 sales but they are for high ticket items, thus earning over USD80 this month.

More site starting to earn: Maybe it is nearer to Christmas but more sites are starting to earn with the same level of traffic.

What I am busy with

Besides working on my amazon sites, I have been working on my home decor online magazine site, my early retirement blog as well as exploring other affiliate programmes.

My home decor site is coming along nicely. It has about 30 over posts now and I just scored a wonderful backlink. I have been reading Eric Ward's linking newsletter and it has opened my eyes on what is real link building. It has nothing to do with anchor text, dofollowed or PR. Real links give you traffic, visibility in the relevant community and even natural backlinks. This is what I have gotten with this one backlink.

What I did was to find a non profit website which is looking for donations. I donated a token amount and my site was featured in their donations page as well as their newsletter.  This gave me some traffic as over 100 people in the niche visited my site due to the link. Among them, 2 nice folks gave me a backlink each that drove even more visitors. For a small donation, I gained 3 natural backlinks and visibility in the relevant niche. Not bad!

My authority site project

My early retirement blog is still very much in its infancy stage. There are now over 40 articles on the site but traffic is dismal. Less than 10 visitors to the site each day. I don't really know what to do next but to add content and see what happens. I guess a lot of authority sites start out this way especially if they don't do much promotion.

How to make money with Amazon in 2013

Next post will be a much longer one about my experiences in making money with Amazon and what to do to avoid being penalised. The article is almost done and I should publish it next week.

Note: I didn't publish my article on the 10 blogging niches because there seems to be very little interest in it. Too bad as these niches are not your typical long tail niches. They are up and coming industries that represent opportunities for anyone to make money from.


kevin jhonson said...

Too bad that they have penalized a blog that give solid information... Maybe they did it because you are speaking your hear out ;) But congrats on your Amazon earnings.. Looking forward to your post on making money using Amazon in 2013 :)

aaronchua said...

Thanks kevin for leaving a comment.

Yes! a new reader LOL

Financial Samurai said...

Why not use your SEO expertise as you claim on Yakezie.com?

Please tell me you're making thousands somewhere else?

aaronchua said...

Yes, at koobits.com, my startup. If your comment was meant to insult me by saying I am only making $200, then you haven't read my blog enough.

Financial Samurai said...

Did you found Koobits, or did Stanley?

Why don't you share with us how much you make online then, and not from work?

You started insulting me by saying I'm a novice, but I've been around for years and probably make way more online than you do total.

aaronchua said...

Stanley founded it but I am now a shareholder as well.

Koobits is my main source of making money online. I don't see a difference. I draw very little salary there and the only money I make is when the company makes profit.

I used to run those made for adsense site but I learn the error of my ways. SEO should not be about manipulating google. As I said, it is a real marketing channel and I want to apply it on something real, which is KooBits.

For the term novice, I am referring to your SEO advice, which is pretty basic. I am not saying you are a novice in making money. I am saying you are giving novice SEO advice. I based this on what you have written, not what you have known but didn't disclosed.

As for how much money I am making, I am sure you didn't why I don't feel comfortable disclosing everything. I am sure you didn't disclose what is the total amount you made publicly as well.