Welcome to aaron chua make money blog

Hi, welcome to my blog. In this part of my world, I talked about how to achieve financial freedom by learning how to make money online through creating sites and earning from them.

Below are some current and past make money projects that details my learning journey.

My current experiment in making 50 amazon site niches. If you have not been following this challenge, best place to start is this resource page for the amazon challenge, that lists all the articles that I have written so far.

My experiment in making 1000 a month through adsense in 9 months.

If you came here looking for low cost startup ideas, here are 140 startup ideas that you can browse through.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Can you make money with Amazon after Penguin and Panda

Did everybody just gave up on making money online now that Panda and Penguin has arrived? I hope not because things are actual much easier now. With Penguin, it is now quite possible to rank sites without ever requiring a single backlink. Just keep your site to 50% natural articles and 50% keyword focus and you will start to see traffic. Seriously.

Anyway, the point of this post is to show you guys that despite my amazon sites being penalised, I still manage to squeeze out nearly  USD100 on them despite not touching them for several months. This strengthens my belief that the online model still works out and any investment you made is still going to make you money.

Let me share some of my stats with you:

For the Amazon challenge, I invested a total of USD804. Out of that, 50% goes into buying 40 domain names while the rest of the USD400 goes into buying content and backlinks. Currently, I have earned about USD582, leaving me with about USD220 to go before breaking even for my investments. After that, it is all pure profits.

The best thing is that out of the 40 domains I bought, only about 18 have been built, even though all will be paid for within 2-3 months. I have about 22 domains which I have not done any work which means they have not been penalised which means I can still build them out properly in the future. 

So, even though it might not be big money, it still shows that investing in making money online still works, despite all the setbacks.

Below is a screenshot showing my amazon sites.

Click to enlarge

My plan going forward is to purchase another set of domains that relates to the best sellers according to the table above. This time around, how I build these sites will be slightly different:

  • Content: Mixed up the content. 70% will be news or list type of content that can potentially be shared while 30% will be product reviews
  • Links: No more ordering of fiverr backlink services. Just maybe 2-3 links from my own network of sites. Only 1 will contain anchor text. 
My final advice is this: don't sit around and wait for penguin update to turn around your penalised site. It probably will not happen. Just start a new set of sites and watch out for over optimisation and you will be fine. Hey, if I can make money even with penalised sites, I am sure there is much more opportunity out there. 


Norm said...

I am still here ;)

Still updating my blog.

Panda made have killed the crowd but not me. Just working more smarter and better.

The best thing I noticed with Panda, you don't necessary have to build links to rank, which I have seen for most of my new sites.

They make money with zero link building which makes me think of two factors that people should be working towards.

1. Volume
2. Quality Content

The more you write, the more possibility that you have and opportunity to make money.

Quality Content, I am not sure how will make you money. When I refer to quality content, don't think number of words, as there are somethings you just cant talk too much about.

Hope you peeps are doing well

Pop over my blog and say hi. Lol I probably with only a handful of readers.


Dave said...

Hey man,

I've been following you for a while and not commented - glad you're making money again - wanted to ask If you could share the way your spreadsheet works?

I can see KW number of searches but I would like to use the same idea in mine.

Appreciate it thanks :)

aaronchua said...


Keep doing the work man. Somebody still has to rank and there is no reason it can't be you!

I will be covering the spreadsheet in the next few articles. Thanks for reading!

Gaz said...

Hey Aaron,

I’ve been following for you sometime too. Just thought I chime in and nod in agreement that one can still make money post attack of the B&W animals, and with little or no backlinks at all. However, Google sponsored listing ads displayed above the fold of the SERPs are really screwing the CTRs of organic searches.

I have an EMD site that ranks in position 2, sometimes 3, or 4, and it doesn’t get as many visits as it used to, and I reckon the sponsored listings are causing the significant drop in traffic. They’re pushing the organic searches way down, especially for buying keywords.

Damn shame…but you can still make some money for sure. By the way, how many pages of content do you write per niche site?

aaronchua said...


Thansk for dropping by. Somebody has to rank. Why not us? : )

In terms of articles, I start slow (about 5 articles now) and see what happens. If I chance upon a good niche that converts well even if 5 articles, I will start to add more.

Also depends on the kind of competition you faced in the SERPs. The more competitive the keywords, the more content you need.

JerryG said...

Hey Ho Aaron,

Yes, I’m well aware that somebody has to rank. In fact, some of my sites are ranking well in the organic searches :D However, I was making a point that ranking organically in the top 3 of Google’s SERP is much less valuable these days due to Google’s paid inclusion ads which are dominating the top of the page, effectively pushing highly ranked organic searches i.e. our affiliate sites, below the fold, and therefore resulting in less than favorable CTRs for us.