Welcome to aaron chua make money blog

Hi, welcome to my blog. In this part of my world, I talked about how to achieve financial freedom by learning how to make money online through creating sites and earning from them.

Below are some current and past make money projects that details my learning journey.

My current experiment in making 50 amazon site niches. If you have not been following this challenge, best place to start is this resource page for the amazon challenge, that lists all the articles that I have written so far.

My experiment in making 1000 a month through adsense in 9 months.

If you came here looking for low cost startup ideas, here are 140 startup ideas that you can browse through.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Using marketing fluff to get more traffic for your blog

The online marketing blogs are just full of fluff and crap. Sites like thinktraffic.net and socialmediaexaminer.com gets to me because they don't really say anything useful. (I hope leavingworkbehind.com is not going that direction but it seems that way). They make for enjoyable readings but you can't take anything away from their content to use.

What you can learn from them is how they can produce marketing fluff that attracts readers and implement them on your non marketing blogs.

Most of these marketing or make money blogs succeed because they capitalise on one thing: most readers are lazy. Most readers rather spend time reading about stuff than actually doing it. This is why attractive headlines and the promise of more reading materials attracts these readers likes bees to honey. They made you feel good about reading but the reality is that they don't say anything much.

A good example is the type of post that lists other blogs you should read. This is not said by me but by what was written in a thinktraffic post called "One Blog Post Formula Proven to Get Traffic and Subscribers Time and Time Again". This proves that to grow your blog traffic, don't think so much in terms of usefulness. Think in terms of attractive headlines and content that promises more content.

What I have done is to copy these type of headlines and implementing it on my domain section of the early retirement blog. The content is not up yet but these are the article titles I have come up with. Do you feel like clicking on them to read more?
  • 10 reasons why you have lousy domains
  • Lessons from 10 rising domain superstars in 2011
  • The ultimate guide to valuating a domain name
  • How to double your domain sales with these 5 tips
  • 100 early retirement tips from twitter
  • Domaining tips from 10 female domainers
My advice is not to spending time reading the content on these online marketing blogs. Instead, use the time to copy their formula. See how they:
  • Use attractive headlines with so so content to attract readers
  • Popularise a couple of terms such as 'write epic shit' or 'pillar content' to create authority and a following
  • Reinforce authority with these readers using a nice design and what they called 'pillar content"
  • Funnel users to sign up for a course that cost at least USD100 and abve
That formula above is how to make money with your own bullshit product. The better you can do above, the more money you will make. As you can see from aaronchua.com, I suck at the above. 
  • I don't use headlines such as 10 of these, 8 of that blah blah blah
  • I don't use clever terms
  • I don't write often because I got real WORK to do
  • I don't funnel you guys to any mumbo jumbo product
This is why I am not making money with a blog.

That is going to change! I am selling out on my other blogs and I am going to make a ton of money. I advise you to do the same. Most niches are not filled with such marketing fluff sites yet. You definitely can make one and fake your way to celebrity kingdom. If anyone can do it in the marketing niche where there are so many savvy folks, I am sure you can do it in the gardening, fishing, automobile, decorating, food recipes, investments and many many other niches.

Readers, why not exercise your marketing fluff muscles and see if you can write some gorgeous headlines for your niche in the comments below?


andre said...

"How to make $5000 by posting a comment in blog". how's that for a headline, aaron? lol! btw, how on earth does a plastic ugly duckling came to replace a hot chic as image in your post? love those sensual photos man ;)

aaronchua said...

My other half disapproved of other women appearing on my blog so off they go...

Anonymous said...

Hey aaron i always use anonymous to comment on your blog(hope you don't mind). Cause i always hide behind the scene, anyway that me. I was watching your blog posts closely early this year and all i can say is that you are for real and not like many internet marketer who want to see the money first, though am not as successful as you yet when it comes to internet marketing but i do believe some day i would get there. Keep the good work going man, i do study people and i can tell from their sense of humour who they are, any product you launch i would be the first to promote it or at least the second never mind aaron. About thinktraffic, i have been reading many of their post lately and what i have to say about them is that there is nothing so special about their post because it seems so much like rebranding.

aaronchua said...

Thanks andre, you made my day : )

andre said...

and yet another list post from a site you mentioned here, hehe.

Tom Ewer said...

Hey Aaron,

Really disappointed to hear that you feel my blog is going the way of "fluff". I'd love to get some feedback from you on that front - I pour an enormous amount of effort in trying to produce valuable posts every single time, so I'd like to know where you think I'm going wrong.

