Welcome to aaron chua make money blog

Hi, welcome to my blog. In this part of my world, I talked about how to achieve financial freedom by learning how to make money online through creating sites and earning from them.

Below are some current and past make money projects that details my learning journey.

My current experiment in making 50 amazon site niches. If you have not been following this challenge, best place to start is this resource page for the amazon challenge, that lists all the articles that I have written so far.

My experiment in making 1000 a month through adsense in 9 months.

If you came here looking for low cost startup ideas, here are 140 startup ideas that you can browse through.

Sunday 22 January 2012

50 amazon sites challenge progress report #5

Welcome to the 5th progressive report on my 50 amazon niche sites challenge.

Quite a bit of update for this progress report so get ready for a long read and lots of ramblings.

Number of amazon niche sites created: I created 7 new sites and revised 1 aged site for the challenge. Quite proud of myself actually for doing so much work.

Getting traffic early: If you worked through the stats below, you will noticed how fast some of them are getting traffic. This is what I have mentioned in my previous post on how well your site should indexed if you get the right keywords. Low competition keywords plus an exact domain number will get you ranked and some long tail traffic even if your site is just 1-2 weeks old.

Site 13 is especially impressive. 139 unique visitors for a 2 week old site is quite good and shows that I have found a uncompetitive niche. Problem is there is no sales. If I have had adsense on this site, it would have generated a few clicks already.

Money earned with amazon sites: This month has seen a slow down as expected. Currently, these sites generated about USD50. Not a big amount but I am happy to see more new sites earning.

I mentioned in my previous progress report that I am disappointed with Site 8 because it did not generate any sales with the amount of traffic it is getting. Well, it finally got a sale so I am a happy man : ). Site 4 continues to earn while site 11 surprised me. It was a new site created in January and already had a sale.

If you want details, take a look at the table below.

SiteNicheCreated Total Cost Monthly EarningsMonthly Visitors Type
1ToyJun 2011155 NA184Purchased
2ApplianceNov 201125NA5New
3WineNov 20116726269Aged
4ApplianceNov 2011304157New
5BicycleDec  201130NA44New
6StorageDec 201120NA78New
7ApplianceDec 201130NA118New
8BeddingDec 20113411593New
9Wine Dec 201125NA66New
10GardeningDec 201125NA6New
11StorageJan 2012351314New
12WindowJan 20129NA2Aged
13ApplianceJan 201225NA139New
14StrangeJan 20129NANANew
15GardeningJan 201219NA12New
16ApplianceJan 201229NA15New
17StorageJan 201224NA30New
18BeddingJan 201214NA25New

Now, some learnings that I have accumulated for the challenge so far:
  • You need to be patient with the sales. Affiliate sales do not work like adsense. You can make lots of sales in one day and then go dry for a few weeks. This is how affiliate sales work and you need to be prepared for that mentally. New sites take a while to get revenue so if you are not seeing any money, be patient and continue to work on it. Track the two metrics that I have mentioned in my previous post to make sure you are on the right track. 
  • You need to try lots of niches to find the right ones: If I have stopped at 4-5 sites, I would not get the sales from site 8 and 11. You really need to keep going until you hit upon something that makes money. You can set up lots of sites like what I have done or you can use article directories such as Squidoo to experiment with new niches. 
  • You need to set up a process if you want to scale up fast. I can do 7 sites within 2 weeks because I have set up a process that I just go through each day. If you want to create more niche sites, getting that process up is cruical. It can be in the form of an outsourced process or through software. It doesn't matter how you do it but you need to build a process that can scale. 
  • There are some really good service providers in Fiverr that produces good quality articles or effective backlinks. I try a dozen and finally found a couple that I now work with regularly. They are cheap and their quality is good. 
  • I try to use different themes for each site. This became a headache because I had to hack and slash my way through the codes to get the look that I want for each site. Being a non technical person, it became a very time consuming process for me. I don't mind my sites looking ugly but they need to at least look like a store with some kind of catelogue on the homepage so that visitors will click on them. Presenting a blog format to your product searchers is not a good idea.  
Overall, creating so many sites without any software and virtual assistants have been quite challenging although it has its rewards in terms of lessons learned. I looked forward to hear your amazon niche site building experiences. 


Norm said...

Hi Aaron,

Right on the mark with having a system. I have a blueprint for
- researching new niches
- building sites
- article writing
- seo / link building

Each of these plans I just continue to follow it religiously.

I know what you mean about taking a long time about developing sites, even I find it, takes forever and I am a programmer ;).

I have gone the root of just buying Wordpress Templates, I currently bought the professional Genesis package which gives me about 20+ templates as you can see on my howimakealivingonline.net website. It cost $300, but now all I have to do is to install and new site up less than 1 hour.

I haven't yet gone the Fiverr route, but might starting using them on the Non-Money sites in the future.

You are progressing very well on your 50 website challenge ;). Im still on 1st site...though I have been delayed on other projects.

I am slowly getting a roll on things.


aaronchua said...


Better get your butt moving then : )