Welcome to aaron chua make money blog

Hi, welcome to my blog. In this part of my world, I talked about how to achieve financial freedom by learning how to make money online through creating sites and earning from them.

Below are some current and past make money projects that details my learning journey.

My current experiment in making 50 amazon site niches. If you have not been following this challenge, best place to start is this resource page for the amazon challenge, that lists all the articles that I have written so far.

My experiment in making 1000 a month through adsense in 9 months.

If you came here looking for low cost startup ideas, here are 140 startup ideas that you can browse through.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Beginner course to make money online with adsense

After receiving quite a number of comments and emails about how to make 1000 with adsense, I have been thinking about how to really help more people make a living online in a way that also benefits me. I like to help people but I have my own living expenses to take care of as well. That means I need to watch where I spend my time carefully.

The solution that I have come up with is to have a partnership programme for those who are interested to work with me to earn adsense income online. How this programme works will be very different to how other make money online course function.
  • I want this programme to be risk free for the people who wants to join
  • I want to work in small groups
  • I want it to be more collaborative i.e. not an ebook or video course style
This is how the programe will work:

  1. We will create a site together. It can be based on your existing site or it can be a brand new one. If it is a brand new site, I will suggest a niche that I know will make money. I will also teach you how to find keywords, not using the google adword tool. Just plain common sense that I found is working for me. Getting into the right niche is one of the hardest part for any beginner. Nobody will want to reveal their money making niches and keywords. If we work together, you get to see what works for me and I will try to duplicate that for your site.

  2. There is not upfront fees. We will do a revenue share instead. Depending on how much work that is needed from me, I will take anywhere ranging from 30-50%, up to a cap of 1k. For example, if the site earns 2.5k per month and I take 50% share, my cut will not be more than 1k (rather than 1.25k). In this case, I don't make money until you make money.

  3. You will do the writing for the site as well as for articles for either guest posting or backlinks. This is where you need to commit. We will agree on a writing schedule that meets your current time schedule. This where many people failed and where I need a commitment from you to stay focus. Once the site starts to make money, I will invest my part of the rev enue into getting outsourced articles so that you can do less work. However, before the site start generating revenue, you need to put in the work. This is something I cannot help you with.

  4. We will communicate mainly through email. If you happen to live in Singapore, we can catch up once a month to update progress as well as to plan out the next month's work.

  5. I will take no more than 10 partners. This is to keep the workload managable for me and to keep my focus on really helping my collaborators.
This is it. If you want to have someone to guide you through that rough 6 months of making money online then I look forward to seeing your email.

Before I go, here are some topics I intend to write on for this month:

How to make 100 a month with adsense fast (like in 2-3 months)
Why keyword research tools don't work
How to do keyword research

See you in a couple of days!


paperplaneinc said...

Hi Aaron,
I am excited over the plan, can't wait to make things happen.

Anonymous said...

i would like to join if you create a website. thank you, im an IT student and very much interested.

aaronchua said...

Hi guys,

Thanks for your interest but I am afraid I have more than enough partners at this moment.

I will be posting about our learnings throughout the partnerships though so you might want to hang around to see what we are doing.

Once that is time, I will definitely like to work with more people.